Biography References 1909Study Pharmacy at St. Joseph University (Medical studies) in Beirut EditSt. Joseph listListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 134 1922Work in Alexandria (Pharmacie Maksoud, Sharia Gama el Sultan) EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 134 1932Work in Alexandria (2 Gameh-el-Sultan St.) EditBulletin annuel de la Faculte Francais, 1931-1932 1937Work in Alexandria (2 Gameh el-Sultan St.) EditBulletin annuel de la Faculte Francais, 1936-37 Authorizations References 1909License: Pharmacist, Authorized by Ministry of Interior, Egypt EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 134 Identity Yusuf Maqsudيوسف مقصودAlternatively named: Joseph MaksudYear of birth: 1890Profession: PharmacistCity of birth: Alexandria Source More info Bibliographic references: St. Joseph listListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 134